
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera

I am eternally burdened to have my nationality. It's what I was born with, it's what I will always suffer from. Perhaps imagining I wasn't part of this mess seems lovely yet I am still burdened and therefore have to live up to it.  This book came as a surprise to me, I wasn't looking for it, I hadn't the faintest idea it even existed but as a fortunate event I found it. I had been reading Nietzsche for the past couple of days (albeit unsuccessfully), and felt tremendously frustrated because I couldn't understand half of it. Then surfing the internet I came across a cool website that shows you the first page of random book without telling you its title. After shuffling through a couple pages and almost giving up, I finally found a really interesting one with Nietzsche on it. The first page is entirely different than the rest; it almost seemed to me like a study or essay about Nietzsche and I thought to myself I should read this if I hoped to unders

Angel Olsen - Strange Cacti (2010)

Los que me conocen personalmente sabrán que tengo una obsesión con este álbum. Desde el momento en que lo descubrí, no me he cansado de escucharlo. Empezando por los sonidos inentendibles de "Tiniest Lights", pasando por la melodía dulce de "Some Things Cosmic" hasta la visceral y emocional potencia de "Creator, Destroyer", sus notas se han convertido en una parte fundamental de mi vida. Será tal vez la vibra indie/hipster de su concepción, siendo grabado en cassette en sesiones inconstantes y su característica de ser EP y no un LP completo (siendo yo un raro oyente de EP's) me dirigieron hasta éste. Mas no sólo su rareza sino su introversión, como si se tratase de algo que nadie debería escuchar que su autora escondió en algún lugar desentendido y por alguna rara circunstancia fue finalmente publicado. Quizás, es su franqueza y manera de evocar los sentimientos, acercándose a los ademanes de Elliot Smith o Ian Curtis, o su verso al ex